I began this project simply because I feel there is a need in the community that I can help with. As everyone knows, Facebook has made it almost impossible to share events. And it can be just as hard to try and keep track of and follow events from any local area.
The goal here is that every state, and even potentially every location in the world, could have one site to post events to. Post your flyer, event details, links. Anything you feel a goth or dark music fan would be into. This can cover a pretty wide range too. A club night. A concert. A festival. An oddities market. A twitch stream. A mall takeover. And so much more.
This framework allow for a starting point for everyone to not only post their events, but for the community to be involved in promoting them. And the ability for the functions here to grow with time and need and demand.
Over time I hope to add things like newsletter subscription functionality so even if you don’t visit the site, you can get emailed of new events posted in your area. The ability to comment and review events. Maybe getting to the point where users can make profiles and learn a little about one another. What about band or DJ profiles to discover new music. And then reviews that can be attached to them. And potentially even getting to the point of having an actual message board for people to chat about things.
So this is potentially a building block for something larger to bring a national and global community closer together. It won’t happen overnight. And it will take everyone working together and being involved and caring to help it grow from a seed to a full universe of options.
Here is the thing, I’m one person. And one person can make a difference. Can do something new. And can bring people together. This is just the beginning of what I hope ends up being something wonderful.
There are things the site will need. I’ll have to pay for hosting, registration and some plugins and features. If anyone wants to pitch in and donate, it all will go toward helping me maintain this and nurture it into something bigger and bigger.
For now, one step at a time.
Here we go!